Case Studies
Read about our successful schools and the impact of our awards

We have strengthened the entire thread of personal development in terms of our approach, meeting the needs of the families that we serve...

Our stakeholders regularly comment on the school's effort and focus on wellbeing and this is reflected in both staff and student retention rates

Staff confidence and satisfaction has grown tremendously.

The PSHE schemes of work were already in the process of being rewritten but the Wellbeing Award helped identify further strengths and areas for development

The Wellbeing Award has been an invaluable, independent validation of our approach to the development of a health and wellbeing strategy that underpins all we do

We were supported the whole way through the process and had someone available from whom to seek advice when needed

As staff we have felt that one of our strengths has been the quality of our relationships with parents and the support that we offer has been a strength of our school

I feel that going through the award has slowly changed the attitude of many of the Teaching Assistants

'The journey has meant that our students, the most important stakeholders in any educational setting, now benefit from the best possible provision'

In the recent Ofsted inspection (2018) parent view survey, 94% of parents said they would recommend the school to other parents

Staff are presenting as being happier and have seen a decrease in staff absences. The pupils are happy and engaged and are now able to recognise their feelings